Frances King Transpersonal  Counselling and Psychotherapy
Plaistow :: Billingshurst :: Haslemere :: Online 

Privacy notice

Digital data
I am a sole trader, and some digital data is kept on my personal mobile phone, and connected tablet. The data I keep here is you name, mobile phone number, and email address.
I use this contact information to: -
To remind you off appointments
To allow me to change or cancel appointments if necessary
To allow you to change or cancel appointment if necessary
To sign- post you to other services if specifically requested by you
To inform you of times when the therapy room will be closed, e.g. when I am on holiday
I do not share these details with anyone else without your express permission; unless required by law, or I think you are in danger.

my house has a ' ring' house light / video recorder beside the front door.


Clinical will
As a therapist and member of the the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists ( BACP) I am required to make a ‘ clinical will’. This is so in the event of my incapacity or death , a suitable person would contact my clients to let them know what has happened to me , offer support, and help clients find a new therapist if they wanted that help. The suitable person would be a fellow therapist whom I know and trust. They are known as my clinical trustee.

I usec app known as The information it would hold about clients would be name , email address and mobile phone number (if the client had previously given me permission to use mobile phone contact as per our previous contract ) There would be NO information about sessions, or anything discussed . This is purely so my trustee could contact my clients to let them know I can no longer see them . The app reminds users on monthly basis to update the information. This is to remind me that as soon as a client finishes their counselling sessions, their details are deleted from the app .

Paper data

Your contract with me includes
your name , email address , phone numbers, home address and the name and address of your doctors surgery. All contracts are kept separately from any notes about our sessions, in another room, in a locked fixed filing cabinet.

Counselling notes
Notes about our sessions/ conversations have a code , which only I know , with no name attached , this is for confidentiality. These sets of notes are filed in separate locked filing cabinet in a separate part of the building from your contract . I keep session notes short , and with little detail for example I include the date , length of session, and main topic discussed , for example 19th August 50 minutes Zoom session. Anxiety/ work.

These notes are kept in a locked filing cabinet, and not seen or shared with anyone else. (unless required by law or the courts)You have the right to see the notes I keep about you. If you wish to do so, please contact me by phone, or email so we can arrange a convenient time either for you to come and see them .


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